Employment Opportunities at the Genesee District Library

Full-Time Positions

There are no open positions at this time.

Part-Time Positions

We always welcome applications for part-time Page positions. At the time you apply, there may be no available positions; however, we maintain a pool of qualified applications for when a position becomes available at one of our 19 branches. Applications remain active for six months.

Click here to apply for a Page position.

Click here to preview the Page job description.

Genesee District Library is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants requiring special accommodations to complete an application online should contact Human Resources at 810-230-3340.

Genesee District Library Culture Statement


We strive to cultivate an inclusive work culture where each staff member is motivated to improve our organization. Our commitment to openness, respect, and collaboration allows us to provide a welcoming space where all patrons and staff feel empowered to explore, learn and connect.


Our continual goal of increased connection across our 19 branch system benefits staff and patrons. We strive to communicate effectively and utilize technology to improve our operations and services. Fostering open dialogue and valuing staff’s unique perspectives helps us learn and better relate to one another.


We listen and look for opportunities to help solve problems. Celebrating each other’s achievements and encouraging staff supports everyone personally and professionally. Though we may have differences of opinion, working together for the success of our organization and communities is our top priority.


Our dedication to providing exceptional service and our passion for lifelong learning help ensure that both our staff and our communities we serve are inspired to grow. We are always looking for opportunities to grow and improve ourselves both as individuals and as an organization.

The GDL Culture Statement listed above. The four categories are shown as linked puzzle pieces.