A to Z Database List
The Genesee District Library provides access to several different online databases that provide helpful information on many topics. To help you better find a resource you are looking for, we have also categorized our online resources by category.
If you see this symbol next to a listed database , you can click on it to access a video tutorial on how to use that particular database.
- Academic Search Complete (Articles from scholarly journals)
- Access World News (Newspapers and national magazines)
- Ancestry Library Edition (Only Accessible Inside The Library)
- AtoZdatabases (Job search, business profiles)
- AtoZ Food America
- AtoZ World Food
- Auto Repair Source (Auto Repair)
- Biography Reference Center (over 450,000 biographies)
- Black Life in America (The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media)
- Booklist Online (Book reviews, current and past)
- BookPage (Book reviews)
- Career Cruising
- Career Preparation (Prepare for entrance and occupation exams from LearningExpress Library)
- College Admissions Test Preparation (For ACT, SAT, PSAT, AP exams and more from LearningExpress Library)
- Consumer Health Complete
- Consumer Reports (Unbiased product testing and ratings)
- Consumer Reports – Articles from Magazine (Unbiased product testing and ratings)
- DemographicsNow (Business demographic information)
- DigitalLearn.org (easy to use computer lessons for beginners)
- Driver Education (Take practice driving tests)
- Early World of Learning (for beginning readers)
- FamilySearch (Free genealogy records)
- Fantastic Fiction (Authors, titles, genres)
- The Flint Journal (Read The Flint Journal in text and images)
- Foundation Directory Online (Only Accessible Inside The Library)
- Gale Virtual Reference Library (Online reference books)
- Guidestar (Only Accessible Inside The Library)
- Health Source Complete
- Heritage Hub (Obituaries and death notices)
- High School Equivalency Center (Prepare for GED, HiSET and TASC tests from LearningExpress Library)
- History Reference Center
- Hobbies & Crafts Source
- Home Improvement Source (Information on home maintenance, remodeling, electrical work, plumbing, outdoor improvements, and more)
- Key Business Ratios (Online access to competitive benchmarking data)
- Learning Express Library (Resources for education and career)
- Legal Information Source (Legal Forms)
- Literary Reference Center (literature analysis)
- Mango Languages (Interactive language learning for 65 world languages)
- Medline Plus
- Mergent Archives (Over a century’s worth of global corporate and industry-related documents)
- Mergent Intellect (Industry research, consumer and demographic data, and job search info)
- Michigan Activity Pass (Discounts on Michigan-based attractions)
- Michigan Authors & Illustrators (Find out about Michigan authors)
- Michigan Electronic Library (Free access to research information and much more)
- Michigan Medicine Care Guides (health information made easy to understand)
- Morningstar Investment Research Center (Personal investment)
- MyHeritage (Genealogy resource)
- NoveList Plus (Read-alikes)
- Opposing Viewpoints In Context
- Poetry and Short Story Reference Center
- Point of View Reference Center
- Resume and Cover Letter Guide
- Science Reference Center
- Small Business Source
- Small Engine Repair Source
- Value Line (Personal investment)
- Vote411 (Voter info)
- World Book Kids (Research for Pre-K to 5th grade)