Cook supper with our favorite chef, Ming Louie. In this four-part series, Ming will prepare his favorite dishes. We’ll supply the ingredient lists ahead of time so you can purchase what you need when you shop. Then tune in to Facebook Live at the appointed time and cook supper with Ming. He’ll answer your questions in real time. When the program is over, sit down with your family and enjoy a delicious homemade dinner.

On Tuesday, August 16 at 5pm you can watch Ming live on this page.


Tamales would probably make the list of real Mexican food. But, surprisingly, tamales are not generally available at so-called Mexican restaurants, which often serve more Tex-Mex rather than MexMex.

Making Masa Dough: 12 ounces (by weight) or 2 cups (by volume) of Masa Harina 2 teaspoons Baking Powder 1 teaspoon Salt (optional) 2 cup Lard or Shortening, whipped until fluffy, then add it to the above ingredients.

Slowly add and beat about 3 cups of Chicken Broth until the dough is spongy and stiff, about the consistency of mashed potatoes. This may take less than 3 cups of chicken broth, depending on the freshness and absorbency of your dry ingredients. You don’t want it too watery.

Then make about 10 to 15 ping-pong-size balls of dough. Each ball makes one tamale. The addition of salt is optional because your broth may be salty enough.

Corn Husk Wrapper Preparation:

Soak in water as many husks as you have dough balls for 30 minutes. You may want a few more husks in case you tear one. Remove husks from water and pat dry.

Chicken Filling: 1 cup (approximately) of shredded cooked Chicken.

Have at the ready a jar of mild Salsa Verde.

Assembling the Tamales: 1. Lay a husk on a flat surface and spread a dough ball across the wide side of the husk, about 4×5 inches and about 14 inch thick. 2. Place about 2 teaspoons of Chicken in the center of the masa, along with a squirt of Salsa Verde. 3. Fold in one side of the husk, then fold in and overlap the other side. 4. Finally, fold the tapered end towards the open wide end.

Cooking the Tamales:

The tamales have to be steamed in a covered steamer with the open end towards the ceiling.

This can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on your steamer, and the number and size of your tamales. Do not lay your tamales horizontal for steaming; it will take much longer and you may have a mess on your hands if the masa and filling leak into your steaming water. You can use a bowl or balled-up foil to aid in keeping the tamales vertical.

The tamales are done when you can unwrap the husk cleanly away without tearing the masa.
